Why is Bamboo Awesome?
There are many reasons why bamboo is an awesome eco-friendly product as we will explain in this article.
What is Bamboo?
Bamboo is a rapidly growing, naturally occurring tree-like grass. Yes! Bamboo is actually a grass! And just like the grass you may have in your back garden or local park, it requires little maintenance and not much water to grow. So no toxic pesticides or herbicides are required.
There are over 1200 species of bamboo, and are highly adaptable. They can be found across the world, but favor more humid climates.
How fast does Bamboo Grow?
Bamboo can grow to full size in just 3-4 months! Compare that to a reasonably standard tree, which would take at least 30 years to get to maturity. Some species can even grow 3 feet (almost 1m) in 24 hours! It also has the ability to self-regenerate from it's own roots once chopped; so meaning that it doesn't need to be replanted. This is great for soil health, the microbiological environment in the soil, as well as aiding prevention of soil erosion. These stable roots will hold soil and prevent landslides during monsoon or rainy seasons.
The lack of "farming" need for bamboo also means far less labour, water and no fertilizer is required to produce the product. Bamboo fibres can be used as an alternative to cotton and should be considered for this reason.

Is Bamboo Good for the Environment?
Bamboo is really good with regards to considerations about global warming. Bamboo absorbs twice as much carbon dioxide (CO2) as trees (of comparable mass). Bamboo can produce 35% more oxygen than trees. Thus bamboo can really help us in the fight against global warming from rising CO2 emissions.
Bamboo forests help protect biodiversity and give homes for endangered species, like pandas!
Energy is required during the processing of bamboo to dry it out and create the product; however when compared to other products like plastic, steel and wood, it uses a fraction of energy to produce the end product.
The best thing about bamboo products is what happens at the end of the product's life. Plastics take 1000's of years to decompose, metals needs to be separated and recycled. Bamboo, on the other hand is compostable! This means within a few years of it being buried, it will have returned to mother nature! Amazing!

How strong and safe is bamboo?
Bamboo is an exceptionally strong material. In many parts of South-East Asia, they regularly use it in the construction industry for scaffolding, structs and upright props. It can also be used to make houses, huts and roofs! This is because of it's tensile strength: steel has a strength of 23,000 PSI, bamboo has a strength of 26,000 PSI! Impressive right?
Bamboo fibres are naturally anti-bacterial, without requiring any chemical treatment. This is thanks to a substance called Bamboo Kun found within the bamboo fibre. This antimicrobial agent prevents bacteria and microbes growing on the bamboo, thus making it naturally hygienic and great for products like cotton tips, cutlery and, of course, toothbrushes!
Humans (as well as Panda's) can consume bamboo, although it's the shoots that we like to eat! Often present in Asian cuisine, they are low in fat and calories, high in fibre and potassium.
We hope that's helped you see the amazing way bamboo can help the planet; so start by switching to Bamboo Buddy's products today!